Δευτέρα 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Get Inspired!

Ok I know I was absent for a while (and I still will - I've got a crazy life!) but I just got so inspired, I needed to share it by any means possible :) So, there you go my darlings...Get yourselves Inspired, too ^^ 

Equality 4 ALL

p.s. I mean: Texas, for crying out loud? wtf?! 

Παρασκευή 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Burberry Prorsum Prefall 2011 Menswear

I just adore this collection for prefall of 2011. It has all the right trends in all the right places!
Narrow and fitted lines, bolder colours - Seeing spots of tangerine, honey, camel and sky blue is a breath of fresh air amongst the abundant dull winter hues - ,cosy wools and great accessories!

Christopher Bailey has outdone himself, once again! Giving to the house of Burberry, exactly what it needed...freshness and young/hip attitude!
I just looooove that :)

p.s. Please Cristopher - Book me for your next campaign and show! thanx in advance :P

p.s.2 notice all the homo symbolisms?? LUv that SOOO much in a catalogue!

Now darlings! gimme your feedback!

What's your opinion about the prefall pieces??

I'm eagerrrrr to read your thoughts ^^


Τετάρτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Trust me...

... you're gonna get over it, no matter what this is ...

just read this, I'm sure you're gonna find it useful ;)

(what follows is an abstract from a conversation...)


- "I feel destroyed."

- "It probably doesn't help to know it right now, but you WILL get through this. You'll actually even feel better someday. In the future. You'll feel completely different."

- "I don't want to."

- "Nope. We never do. We love like crazy and it seems like if we lose that love, we'll shrivel up and die, which would be a blessing. But no man's worth us ending up dead, no matter who he is. And anyway, things don't happen that way in the real world. We just muddle on. We finally get through it. Then we're whole again."

- "I don't WANT to be whole."

- "Not right now. Right now you want to grieve. The strength of your grieving marks the strength of your love. And letting grief go when the time comes to do it honours that love. That's what I believe."


The conclusion is left to you.
What's your feedback about breakups and heart breaks?
stories and advice - more than welcome


Παρασκευή 26 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Junya Watanabe Spring Summer 2010 Men's Runway Video

Junya Watanabe MAN Spring 2010 from Très Bien Shop

I deeply estimate his alternative approach for Spring/Summer!

Past trends but I felt like sharing that moment with you :)



Τρίτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2010


My (recent) life could easily be summed up in this post's title! I mean...hear the bang? see the flames? enjoy with amazement the sky show, all the forms, the colors? and then puff, all gone until it repeats itself (usually disguised by other colors and forms!). Πολύ φιλοσοφική η προσέγγιση ε;
Αλλά δε σας φοβάμαι, σας έχω μυήσει στους συλλογισμούς μου! (αν δεν έχεις μυηθεί ακόμη, join me, we can help change the world :P)

Τί κάνετε αγάπες;;;;
Μου λείψατε ρε! Βαριέμαι φριχτά να ανανεώνω και ώρες ώρες βαριέμαι και να ζω!

Είμαι freshman στο graduate status και έχω χαθεί στο σύμπαν (ναι ναι καλά πληροφορείσαι, έβγαλα τη διάσημη σχολή μου στα 4 προβλεπόμενα έτη - σε αντίθεση με τους πολλούς υπερήλικους συμφοιτητές μου - γκουχ γκουχ!).
Ψάχνομαι στους δρόμους του μεταπτυχιακού ταυτόχρονα με διάφορες πρακτικές που μου έχουν γυαλίσει στο εξωτερικό και θέλω να πάω πάραυτα (όσο περισσότερες πρακτικές σου λέει, για το μεταπτυχιακό, τόσο πιο εύκολη πρόσβαση στο Harvard ή στο Yale - τί να πάψω να ονειρεύομαι;;;!).

Έτσι λοιπόν, κατα τη διάρκεια της αρχικής ραθυμίας μου, σχεδίαζα το μέλλον μου και προσπαθώ να βγάζω και λίγα μπλε, πορτοκαλί,πράσινα,κίτρινα και μοβ!!

Κάνω όσα castings και go-sees μπορώ, αν και όλοι όσοι με ξέρουν μου λένε πως δεν το κυνηγάω αρκετά. Μου δημιουργούνται πολλές αμφιβολίες ως προς το χώρο, η αλήθεια είναι και ταυτόχρονα δεν αισθάνομαι πως είναι η μόνη μου διέξοδος για χρήματα, συνεπώς ο επαγγελματισμός μου ακολουθεί τους κύκλους του θυμικού μου (ναι με βρίζει το πρακτορείο, καλά μαντεύεις). Τώρα βέβαια αν μου δοθούν ευκαιρίες τρελές και με συμφέρει περισσότερο το full time modeling (καθότι όσοι έχετε επαφή με τη μόδα, βλέπετε πως οι τάσεις στο male modeling είναι εντελώς στα μέτρα μου) ίσως το pursue περισσότερο και ξεχάσω όλα τα Ακαδημαϊκά όνειρα!! (shock? :P)

Anyway, επίσης ασχολούμαι με εθελοντικές δραστηριότητες.
Τόσο με το σύλλογο Erasmus του πανεπιστημίου μου που σας έχω πει (του οποίο είμαι επικεφαλής) όσο και με οργανώσεις κατά του καπνίσματος, άλλες που ασχολούνται με την αξιοποίηση των leadership potentials σου, αναδασώσεις απανταχού, πολιτικές οργανώσεις (τοπικές και μη) και φυσικά εθελοντής στο Athens pride. Σκοπεύω να αναλάβω κι άλλες εθελοντικές θέσεις σύντομα (θα ενημερώσω εν ευθέτω χρόνω).

Ξέρεις πως έχω σε εκκρεμμή διαδικασία αγωγή εναντίον του Ελληνικού κράτους για την παράνομη υποχρεωτική στράτευση. Παράλληλα όμως με όλο αυτό, εμένα μου έχει μπει το μικρόβιο του στρατού περισσότερο απο παλιά, μια περίοδο ήθελα να μπω στα αξιωματικά σώματα!
Βέβαια δε με τρομάζει πολύ διότι η όλη ιδεολογία μου ταυτίζεται με του στρατού και της ευρύτερης πειθαρχίας.
Θα μου πεις όμως, προς τι η αγωγή...
Διότι γνωρίζω πως αντίκειται στο δίκαιο καθώς και στα ευρύτερα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα η Υποχρεωτική (το τονίζω το υποχρεωτική) στράτευση και κανείς μέχρι τώρα δεν έχει κάνει τίποτα γι'αυτό, απλά το υπομένουν λες και είναι αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της ζωής τους (Hello guys! you're in Europe!). Η στράτευση ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να είναι κατ'επιλογήν και απολύτως μισθοφορική (εγώ θα δήλωνα πρώτος πρώτος, σε ένα τέτοιο σύστημα). Τέλος. Ελπίζω να συμβάλλετε στην ενίσχυση αυτής της ιδέας και να με στηρίξετε στο ΕΔΔΑ ^^

Όσο για τα αισθηματικά, όλο τέλειες περιπτώσεις προκύπτουν στη ζωή μου (εξαιρούνται οι λυγούριδες και οι πέφτουλες, εννοείται), εξαιρετικού ενδιαφέροντος, τα περισσότερα απο όσα ψάχνω τα βρισκω τη στιγμή που λέω τέλος - έκλεισα (εξαιτίας των απογοητεύσεων) που όμως άλλοτε τα βαριέμαι, άλλοτε γίνεται ένα puff και χάνεται η μαγεία, άλλοτε διαπιστώνω πως η εξαρχής επικοινωνία έλξης και συναισθήματος ήταν για να κοιμηθούν μαζί μου, και πάει λέγοντας...you get me!
Τώρα 'βγαίνω' με ένα παιδί, είναι πολύ καλά και προσπαθώ να το κάνω να δουλέψει γιατί έχει (απο όσα έχω δει, so far) τα περισσότερα απο όσα θα ήθελα, για να πω: ''He's the One'' ^_^
We'll see, hopefully όλα θα πάνε τέλεια...Wish me Luck ;)

Τώρα πάω να κάνω το καθημερινό μου work out γιατί πιο μετά έχω συνάντηση με κάποιες απο τις προαναφερθείσες οργανώσεις αλλά και με την κολλητή για ψώνια και κουτσομπολιό!
(το pilates είναι απόλυτο, έχω να σου πω, ξέρεις πως κάνω έναν αιώνα τώρα αλλά τώρα μπορώ να πω πως το λατρεύω - άσχετο - σκέφτομαι να ξεκινήσω σύγχρονο χορό, τί λες;)


Σας Φιλώ

Τετάρτη 11 Αυγούστου 2010

Lady GaGa third Album REVEALED

Τί σας έχω? Τί σας έχω??

Λοιπόν, μπακλ απ γιατί σας περιμένει τεραστία αποκάλυψη! (είμαι σε σχέση! ΛΟΛ)

Έφτασαν στα χέρια μου οι τίτλοι απο το τρίτο Άλμπουμ της Lady G or Lady Gaga!

I mean, Can u even imagine it?


(click on the image for bigger resolution)

Όπως είναι αντιληπτό, ανυπομονούμε να ακούσουμε τα:

'Born This Way' + 'Hooker on a Church Corner' (!)

Until then


Unveiling Boy

Σάββατο 3 Ιουλίου 2010

CA gay marriage trial to resume after long break :: EDGE on the Net

Το βρήκα πρόσφατα και το θεώρησα σοφό να το μοιραστώ με εσάς.

Tell me what you're thinking about it :)

The lawyers in the landmark federal trial over the constitutionality of California’s gay marriage ban may have to check their dazzling oratory at the courtroom door during next week’s closing arguments.

The presiding judge wants them to answer 39 questions before he delivers his verdict.

Chief U.S. Judge Vaughn Walker has already heard 12 days of testimony in the civil rights case, which is expected to eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

Walker has absorbed the opposing attorneys’ written summaries and amassed a pile of competing briefs from outside interest groups on the limits of federalism and individual freedom.

Now, after a four-and-a-half-month hiatus, he is scheduled on Wednesday to wrap up the trial. Last week, he distilled his thinking about the case to a list of questions--12 each to lawyers representing gay rights advocates and the ban’s sponsors, and another 15 he wants both sides to address before he later rules.

From former U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson, who will be arguing on behalf of two same-sex couples, Walker wants to know what empirical proof there is that allowing gay men and lesbians to marry would reduce discrimination against them.

The judge expects to hear, too, whether he can find that withholding marriage from gays constitutes unlawful discrimination if voters "genuinely but without evidence" believed there were legitimate reasons to limit marriage to a man and a woman.

His questions for Charles Cooper, a former Justice Department lawyer representing the ban’s sponsors, are equally precise.

What evidence have they produced to support their claim that same-sex marriage would have negative consequences to the institution of marriage? Conversely, how does denying marriage to gays and lesbians improve the odds that children born in California will be raised by a married mom and dad?

Sharp inquiry "is very much typical of this judge," observed Olson, who frequently was interrupted by Walker during his opening statement in January. "He has done his homework, he is very much involved in this case."

"It just shows the judge is really grappling with the issues," agreed James Campbell, another lawyer for the coalition of religious and conservative groups that put Proposition 8 on the November 2008 ballot.

Both lawyers said they found the judge’s punch list to be evenhanded and do not get a sense from it how he is leaning.

The veteran jurist, a Republican appointee, has indicated he does not plan to rule from the bench. Lawyers say they are preparing for him to hand down his ruling within weeks after the closing arguments.

Walker is being asked to overturn the 2008 ballot measure that outlawed same-sex marriages in California five months after the state Supreme Court legalized it and after an estimated 18,000 couples from around the nation had tied the knot.

The plaintiffs also are seeking an injunction that would prohibit the state from enforcing the measure and immediately allow gay marriage to resume in the state. They maintain that preventing gays from getting married violates their civil rights and should be declared unconstitutional in the same way that laws against interracial marriage were.

The case has garnered national attention in part because of the unusual team that brought the lawsuit on behalf of the two California couples. Olson, a conservative who represented George Bush in the disputed 2000 presidential election, has joined with David Boies, the liberal trial lawyer who represented Vice President Al Gore.

In an unusual move, the original defendants, Attorney General Jerry Brown and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, refused to support Proposition 8 in court.

That has left the work of defending the law to Protect Marriage, the group that successfully sponsored it. The group’s lawyers argue gay marriage is an experiment with unknown social consequences that should be left to voters to accept or reject.

Currently, same-sex couples can only legally wed in Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington, D.C.

To the surprise of both sides, Walker elected to hold a trial with live testimony instead of settling the matter through written briefs. Academic experts took the witness stand to discuss topics ranging from the fitness of gay parents and religious views on homosexuality to the historical meaning of marriage and the political influence of the gay rights movement.

Olson and Boies called 17 witnesses compared to two called by Cooper’s defense team. The lopsided count has led gay rights supporters to predict the judge will have an easy time striking down the gay marriage ban.

Defense attorneys, meanwhile, have openly complained that they thought Walker’s rulings before and during the trial favored the plaintiffs.

"The problem with the defendant’s case was not the defendant’s lawyers, it was the fact that there is simply no support for the central propositions they were trying to identify," Boies said.

Andy Pugno, a lawyer who served on the Protect Marriage executive committee, acknowledged that the ban’s backers faced an uphill battle in addressing one of the key questions that preoccupied Walker - whether there was any proof that sanctioning same-sex marriage harms traditional heterosexual unions.

"The difficulty with that question is it’s asking the defense to speculate about a harm that is likely but would occur only if we were to experiment with redefining marriage," Pugno said. "It’s hard to disprove something that hasn’t happened yet."


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