Photographer: Brian K
Fam Irvoll på Oslo Fashion Week
If you like it cute by K-Y-M
If you like it cute and colorful Fam Irvoll’s knits and designs might make you go ‘weee’! Making ‘kids clothes for adults’, she gives it a sexy edge and her graduate collection featured knitted cupcake necklaces, mice and her singature… polkadots. I cant help but think that in a cartoon world of London fashion she would be the innocent cartoon princess and Gareth Pugh the evil queen. So if you have a little girl in you too like I do, Fam has been showing on home territory at Oslo Fashion Week the past August.”
^ _^
Gender Free fashion! Does it exist? Visit the Queer Fashion Show at the Villa in Oslo on Friday and find out.
The Queer Fashion Show is a pre-event to Oslo Queer Festival that will be held August 14-16. ^^ Yeah I know....we lost it :( ^^
Jeg kysser :*
6 σχόλια:
vasika..check it out ekana update :) :pPp
Οκ!!! Ξαναείδα!!!
αν ποτε παντρευτω αυτο το νυφικο θελω! απλο λιτο κι απεριττο!
επισης θελω και το φορεματακι το τελευταιο με τα ποντικια, αν και ισως να κωλωνα να το φορεσω :/
afto to terastio mle slip tou nafti to ixanvgali se magio lefko oi g&g prin 4 xronia... fisika kai to exo ala einai mikrotero kai apo spedo...
Το παιδί με το ναυτικό κοστούμι (?), από που το αγοράζω;
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kalispera! :)
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